Illustrated - An Exhibition of Children's Art

Tuesday, October 1—Thursday, October 31All DayMeeting Room GalleryFowler Library1322 Main Street, Concord, MA, 01742

In 1985, Karen Ahearn, the Children’s Librarian, and Fayth Chamberland, the Assistant Children’s Librarian, began a program to celebrate Children’s Book Week each fall and National Library Week in the spring. The pair contacted authors to come to the Library and read from their books. During their visit to the Library, all the authors spent time with children and community members. The authors and illustrators read from their works, take questions, sign their books, and often draw. The Library collected and framed these drawings, showcasing local authors like Matt Tavares and D.B. Johnson and world-famous children’s authors such as Tomie dePaola and Eric Carle. The Concord Free Public Library displayed this art in the Children’s Room, a space converted to the Goodwin Forum during the recent renovation and expansion.

The William Munroe Special Collections is proud to showcase these illustrations in our new exhibition, “Illustrated.” The works are part of the Library’s art collection, which you can view online. We are thrilled that the exhibition has moved to the Fowler Meeting Room Gallery and will be available until October 31, 2024.

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