Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council: Human Rights Tea and Climate For Freedom Award

Sunday, December 102:00—4:00 PMGoodwin ForumMain Library129 Main Street, Concord, MA, 01742

This December is the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To celebrate, the Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council and the Concord Public Library are co-sponsoring a tea in the Goodwin Forum in the Main Library on Sunday, December 10th at 2pm.

We will start with a short history of the declaration after which we will present the 2023 Climate For Freedom Award to Dignity in Asylum.

Dignity in Asylum, (DIAS), supports asylum seekers during the complicated process of applying and waiting for asylum. DIAS was founded to offer free housing and community support to people seeking asylum. Apart from a room for each supported asylum seeker, they also provide daily meals, transportation to lawyers’ and doctors’ appointments, English classes and overall support.

This event is free and open to the public.

Please join us.


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